Monday 8 September 2014

MH17 Links - after the disaster

MH17 Links - after the disaster

Links that should have more coverage

Trying to stick to the earliest source, and links that have been ignored by main stream media that seem legitimate enough that they should be covered more.

17 July 2014
Air traffic control recordings confiscated

Ukraine's SBU security service has confiscated recordings of conversations between Ukrainian air traffic control officers and the crew of the doomed airliner, a source in Kiev has told Interfax news agency."
As it happened: Reaction to MH17 Malaysia Airlines plane crash in Ukraine

18 July 2014
This came out extremely early after the downing. I personally read it myself within a couple of days of MH17 disaster, not the actual tweets but the reporting. It would be difficult to fake tweets real time as plane is shot down. Other social media posts were widely reported, this was not.
Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot Down Boeing MH#17

21 July was a very busy MH17 news day...

21 July 2014
BBC report by Olga Ivshina
This report was deleted. Also copies on youtube are deleted because of "copyright"
Aired same day as Russian press conference, so would have been recorded earlier
Eyewitness account see military plane fleeing MH17 downing

21 July 2014
UN Security resolution passed. Full text of meeting is interesting reading, politically
Demanding Accountability, Full Access to Site, Halt to Military Activities

21 July 2014
Russian Defense press conference
No coverage in western mainstream media, despite only official evidence released by anyone
Some pretty startling revelations
Malaysian Airlines plane crash: Russian military unveil data on MH17 incident over Ukraine (FULL)

21 July 2014
Rebels hand over flight recorders with no drama, after many accusations about tampering, hiding, etc.
Ukrainian militia hand over MH17 flight recorders to Malaysia

22 July 2014
US State department response to Russian military press conference
'Anything other than social media?' State Dept's MH17 evidence secret

23 July 2014
Blackbox voice recorder. Why is there no commentary of what flight recorder analysis? Compare to ATC recordings from MH370, which were very boring run of the mill cockpit chatter, splashed all over news. They have Blackbox voice recordings, but nothing is released publicly.
MH17 Black Box Intact, Data Successfully Downloaded
 'Valid Data' Downloaded From MH17 Black Box

25 July 2014
This was very widely reported worldwide, however I suggest one read it in a different light, as hate inciting, de-humanising propaganda.
Ukrainian causes social media storm by ‘posing in make-up looted from Malaysian Airlines crash site’

28 July
OCSE monitor, Michael Bociurkiw among the first to see the wreckage. In video discusses strange marks on wreckage, inconsistent with BUK missle. See 6:10. Also something he wrote afterwards about his experiences immediately after the downing.
Investigating MH17
First responder: What I saw at Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash site

8 August 2014
Malaysian mainstream paper.
New Straits Times
Malaysia wants the ‘missing’ Ukrainian ATC tapes

23 August 2014
Global Research the first to break this story in English
The Causes of the MH17 Crash are “Classified”. Ukraine, Netherlands, Australia, Belgium Signed a “Non-disclosure Agreement”

8 September 2014
Malaysian mainstream paper.
New Straits Times
US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft

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